Friday, February 29, 2008

we made it!

To 33 weeks so far!
That was my 1st goal on keeping Natalie put!
Here are some tidbits on how our bean is growing...
4 more weeks and she's full term and free to come out and join us!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 33:

For all the weight and bulk you’re lugging around these days, you’d think your little champ should weigh much more than a mere 5 lbs and measly 17.5 inches in height, but nope, that’s about the average size for a baby in its thirty-third week.

In terms of appearances, they’re getting cuter and pudgier every minute as they pile on the baby fat for those adorable little wrist rolls and chubby toes. And as we’re sure you’ve already noticed they’re getting stronger with every passing day.


Jennie said...

Congratulations on making it to 33weeks! Just a few more weeks & she'll be ready to make her appearance!