Thursday, February 28, 2008


My dr.(ob/gyn) is a nincompoop.
Thanks for letting me get that off of my chest.

Im just going to leave it at that, for now, because i simply wouldn't know where to begin with him.
There isnt enough brainpower in me to describe this man.
Maybe I'll come back another day and try to 'splain.

I have basically, become my own dr, and follow my own rules.
(well, why not, he asks ME what he should be doing anyway)

I used to have a pair of the BEST OB's in the whole wide world.
They delivered all the little ones, and then, sadly recently retired just before i got pregnant with nattie.

Im thankful to them, for giving me the knowledge over all of these years to be able to become my own dr....(if i could reach my own cervix i swear I would be).....or at least deal with the nincompoop.

He's the nincompoopiest.