Monday, December 8, 2008

Another greenbean tradition!

We had lots of fun making our gingerbread house this year!
Everyone was high off of sugar, that's for sure!

Except Sierra, she was high off of ginger, so she says!

I told her I was putting this picture on here....bahahaha

Carson, showing me his cute ginger bread man's face, before he ate him!

Bobby......showing me......uh.....ginger boobs.
Yes, that's right, he decided to put boobs on his ginger bread man.
Thunk of it all by himself.
Men, I tell ya.....sheesh.


The end!


Minivan Momma said...

Looks like your beans had a blast. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with the finished product, too! Ours never come out looking that good.

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

Look at your wild children hopped up on sugar! Looks like quite the party. And the finished product does look great I might add!