Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or treat....

It has been one BUSY week here!
But lots of fun.
Here are my 5 little punkin's.
(in their birth order)
You know, i was getting sentimental, as usual last night, and remembering just how long it has been since my sweet little girl has gone trick or treating with us!
I'm so glad she has a good time and goes with her group of friends each year, but at the same time, if I could just go back to when she was my 4 year old little snow white......just once.
I'd hold her and never let her go.
Ah well....
Here my baby, all grown up (she's Dorothy)

The rest of her friends, in order...
Jessica was a power ranger ( poor jess, the rest of 'em bailed on her, they were all supposed to be power rangers)
Mary was both little red riding hood, and creepy red riding
Shelby was a cowgirl
and Kayla (aka Pebbles) had a sleepover here, and .....I've already tried to steal her too cute.

Next, my princess Ariel, before I know it she will be off and running with her friends too!
By the way, she wanted me to give her bangs, and cut her hair to her shoulders a few weeks back, so here's my beauty queen!

Next...its the Super Mario brothers!
Mario and Luigi (switched sizes!) bahahahaha.
They refused to wear the hairy eyebrows, and Carson said the mustache made him "smell hair" all night.
bahahaha. Kay then.

Oh yeah......i was SUPPOSED to make their overalls.....mmmhmmm.
Tried to, would sewing machine kept jamming up and there just wasn't enough time to try for the millionth time to figure out what was thank goodness for Oshkosh!

And.......last but certainly not 7 month old PUNKIN.
I can hardly believe that she'll be running up to the doors with her brothers and sisters next year!


Jennie said...

Oh my gosh! They're all so cute! Hannah's friend, Jade, had the same pebbles costume & it was my favorite of the night! LOL

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

Can I just say that I am completely freaked out by how grown up Cae is!!!! I remember when she was a brand new baby who wouldn't stop crying that one night and the brand new Mommie didn't know what to do. I'm glad I was there with you. I wish I would have been more help for you, but I was a teen myself. (Gettin' sentimental here, sniff!)
Anyways, you did a WONDERFUL job raising her, (and all of your beans) and I am so very proud of you. I love you too sweetie!!!!

Glennis said...

That little Punkin is so cute all dressed up, less so in the next photo!! haha