Sunday, November 9, 2008

i know, i know..

I'm way overdue for an update!
I promise I'll be back later tonight to post pictures.
This was parent teacher conferences week, and the kids have been off of school, for that, and also for election day.
Sierra has a school project due tomorrow, so we've been working on that.
Yesterday, i took all the beans on a nature walk since it was such a nice day.....we wound up walking 3 miles, i took lots of pictures.
You would die if you saw the massive mounts of everything i had to do around the house.
But I didn't care...housework.......who needs it?
One day, my house will be spotless, and that's the day I will be so sad, the day the house is suddenly way too quiet.
It's how I live my life, i don't want to think back when the kids are grown and say, why did i care so much about making sure the house is clean?
...these are the days the kids will always remember, and they can't stop talking about how fun it was.
I'm so glad I dropped the to -do list, and stepped into nature.
It was soo fun!!
I'll be back


Minivan Momma said...

You're SO right about that, Dar. As I'm holding my little newborn, knowing it's the last one of my own that I'll ever hold, I'm trying not to be too bothered by the fact that the dishes are piling up in the sink, laundry is overflowing the baskets, and dust is collecting on the coffee table. One day, I'll be living in a spotless, quiet house and the kids will be all grown up and I'll miss this mess and chaos.

You're WonderMom, who cares what your house looks like anyway?

Love ya, girl. Thanks for the shout-out on your blog down below. BTW, did your sitter tell you I called that day Audrey was born? You were at the doctor. Then I got a bunch of visitors and forgot to try again later.

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

You have such a beautiful perfect fulfilled life Dar, and you are the best example of the perfect Mom that I know. Whenever I come over your house it looks beautiful too!
Love ya sweetie!